S&DR Chaldron Wagon

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This is a model of the early Stockton and Darlington railway Chaldron wagon. It is based on the images of a wagon in the The National Railway Museum at Shildon catalog number: 

1835 Chaldron wagon at NRM Shildon


This is dated there as 1835-1845. It is similar to a wagon dated 1826 catalog number 1975–7054 which is not in such good condition.

Chaldron wagon from 1826

The model has been designed purely based on the images and the very brief description give in the link above. It is therefore unlikely to be particularly accurate and future changes may occour.

The wagon has been designed with non-rotating axles made of 2mm silver steel or stainless steel (I used stainless). One axle can pivot to provide compensation. The wheel each have a MR52ZZ bearing embedded to provide free running.

Currently I've provided only a wheel with round rod spokes although the images of the actual wagon show different wheel on the the two axles for some reason. The wheel profiles are to the Gauge 1 society fine scale standard but still look oversize compared to the original which have tiny flanges.



  Modified wheels to allow 2 bearings per wheel. This should improve any wobble caused by a single bearing.

  Changed the split underframe location to avoid cutting the door fixing pins.

  Provided an underframe top section without the chains which are difficult to print on an fdm printer.

  Added drain holes on split underframe sections so that they can be printed on the base of a resin printer

3D Model
Complete underframe
3D Model
Allows top of underframe to be printed flat on build plate
3D Model
This another version of the top section of the underframe without the chain hooks which are difficult to print.
3D Model
Could be used on FDM printer, upside down. Then glue to top section.
3D Model
This verson has holes in base to avoid suction when resin printing
3D Model
Probably better version for FDM printing
3D Model
3D Model
3D Model
Fited to centre of pivoting axle
3D Model
Designed to be fitted to a fixed axle with embedded bearing in wheel. 2 bearings per wheel should stop any wheel wobble.
3D Model
These are already on the underframe but could be printed on thier own in resin
3D Model
A different length of coupling bar may be needed depending on track curve radius
Fishbelly track

This folder contains some STL's for fishbelly track which I've designed for display purposes. Currently only straight track has been provided and I've not current plans for any curves.

Variation include:

  • 30ft track designed for printing on a belt printer. No supports needed.
  • 15ft track for a standard FDM printer with built in supports that coud be removed after printing.
  • 15ft track without supports with "S&DR" on each section of track.
3D Model
Can be printed on belt printer with no supports.
3D Model
This SDL has built in support and should be printable with no further supports
3D Model
Intended for resin printer but should be printable with FDM as well.

Contains some passangers that could be put into the wagons. The opening of the Stockton and Darlington railway had a lot of people in each wagon.


3D Model

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