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Bump & Hollow tool

This is a track inspection tool designed to find bumps & hollows. It comprises a flexible strip that can be placed on a rail, with three guides to help the placement.

On a bump there will be gaps visible at each end  of the tool/rail boundary & the tool can rock on the bump.

On a hollow there will be a gap visible in the middle of the tool/rail boundary.

G1MRA body for 16T Mineral Wagon - Clip-together

This is a variant body for the 16T Mineral Wagon - Clip-together created by Tref Waldorf. I have use the Prusa sliccer to emboss the sides with G 1 M  R A & also a panel that reads "Return to Surrey Oval". I have posted the .3mf file so you can use the Prusa slicer to edit the words if you wish to change the return destination.

Railway wheel generator

This is openSCAD code that can be used to generate a variety of various railway wheels.

Included are some images and sample wheel stls. All the samples are 1/32 fine scale renders. All have been rendered for fine details ($fn=200) other than the Mansell wheel which was rendered with $fn=100 to keep the size of the stl reasonable.

The code can also produce standard wheels in both 1/32 and 10mm scales. Also supported are 3.5in and O gauge by selected the correct "sf" value in the code. The code could be extended to support other scales.

Point Lever Assemblies

Commercial point levers of the 'lever in diagonal slot' pattern can be self built with various throws as required.
These printed versions (once designed) offer a faster to make alternative and avoid the separate lever rod that often becomes detached in commercial offerings.

Three alternative throws (2mm, 4mm and 8mm) are provided. Others may be added later as reqd. Commercial levers are often 6mm throw.

Suggested print parameters.
Material:         PETG
Infill density:  100%
Layer height: 0.1mm
Nozzle dia:    0.4mm

16T Mineral Wagon - Clip-together

A version of the ubiquitous 16T Mineral Wagon designed to be easy and fast to print and assemble. Almost as easy to disassemble, in order to replace any parts. Can be run with the wheels and axles as they are, or fitted with R144ZZ Bearings at any stage, without any further parts required.

Both Coarse and Fine G1MRA standard wheels and axles included.

Proven out on a Prusa Mk3 i3, in PETG

G3-08 Shunter

Here I have enlarged my 08 shunter to Gauge 3, 2.5-inch gauge.  I did this some time ago, now final finishing a few things and tidying up the files. 

To save space I've added zip file.

Peter D.  August 5, 2024

Coupling Hook (NFS alternative)

This hook has been added following recent requests for a 3d printable one.

Some hooks are contained within various wagon models but this one was designed to replace a Northern Finescale plastic moulded hook.
No doubt laser cut steel hooks are much stronger but this hook when printed in PETG has been found strong enough for most applications.

The examples shown are printed in silver PETG (I would normally use black). Infill was 100%, layer height 0.1mm, a brim was included to aid bed adhesion.