
The region or company of the model

LMS D1666 Five plank open wagon

Wooden underframe five plank wagon produced in huge numbers during the 1920s. Lasted into the 1950s.  This model was originally on the Groups.IO site but got lost in the move. I have taken the opportunity to improve some details. It now incorporates a barrow ramp at the top of the door, and the brake gear rack has been considerably narrowed to come closer to the prototype.  The W irons are now less of a tight fit.

Handrail/Wire Bending Tool

Tool developed for bending handrails for the BR 20t Brake Van Project - but obviously its use extends beyond that...

Designed for and tested on 0.8mm diameter stainless steel mig welding wire, that is otherwise rather difficult to get a neat, tight, bend in.

It utilises a modified M5 Hex head bolt, with a plain shank element of at least 20mm, cut and slotted at 1 end 5mm deep - see the .STL, just don't expect a 3d printed version to work! It uses a second bolt (or second part of the first one).

Nederlandse Spoorwegen 500/600/700 series shunter locomotive - Gauge 1 - An edited version of the BR Class 08 by Peter Davis

After the second world war 10 War Department Class 08's were purchased by the Nederlandse Spoorwegen in 1946. Because they were not equiped with Westinghouse brakes, they could only be used for shunting services (500 series). The series 600 and 700 were fitted with the required brakes to operate on the main lines. The exterior of all the series is almost identical.  

Chassis and gearbox for Gauge 2 0-4-0 Saddle Tank.

Chassis and gearbox for 1910 Greenly designed Great Northern Gauge 2 0-4-0 Saddle Tank. This model was originally electric when made in 1910 but came to me without chassis or mechanism. The outline follows Greenly's design and the mechanism is a modern 385 motor driving through my standard bevel wheel gearbox. Power is supplied by 2x 26650 Lipos and running time is several hours (at least).

L Corner clamp

This is some openSCAD code and stls for an L shaped corner clamp. Given the need I will try to enhance this code further at some time.

Hopefully this will prove usefull to someone. Does not need supports to print.

The first parameter "type" is there for future additions of different clamps.

Prusa Slicer to Lulzbot Taz configuration file.

It is sometimes desired to combine the use of a slicer program with a 3d Printer that was not originally designed for it. This can occur when changing slicers or using older generation printers. I had a particular need to use an ageing but large and still excellent Taz 5 3d printer, with Prusa Slicer, which is one of the leading slicer programs currently (2023), under continuous development. Prusa Slicer does support many third party printers but not the Taz 5. After searching I came across a Reddit/Lulzbot link to a Github project that is aiming to link Prusa and Lulzbot in this way.

Pug (BR /LMR / L&YR 0-4-0 Saddle Tank)

Pug Saddle Tank -Revision 2 – Optional changes Aug 2023
This update provides:
1.     Revised frames and frame stretchers to allow access for a ball driver/screw driver to the frame side screws with clearance from the wheels. This aids assembly.
2.     A revised footplate moves the battery holder forward to give clearance for a firebox LED if desired. Also this footplate accommodates a Hornby HM7000-21TXS Bluetooth DCC decoder and connection adaptor board in place of the previously fitted 'Locoremote' controller.

diamond crossing

Drawing & STL files from Ole Holm's article in G1MRA NLJ 276 on making a diamond crossing. G1MRA members can read the article online or in their paper copy on pages 41/42. Non members will need to find a G1MRA friend to realise what they are missing.

Battery Electric Loco No.1 (North Staffs Ry)

The North Staffs battery powered shunting loco is now preserved in the NRM in York. I felt that it would be appropriate to make a battery powered model of a battery powered prototype. The greater part of the loco is 3D printed, with a couple of N20 motors and wheel sets from Peter Korzelius (or you can print your own wagon size wheels).

LNWR D88 Van

This became the standard LNWR van from the mid Edwardian period up until grouping. They were used for traffic until the mid 50s at least, and some survived in departmental use for much longer. Note that it has been designed for resin printing on an Elegoo Saturn or similar. I don't know whether it can be printed on a filament printer (but let me know if you try!)